ufone daily light

ufone daily light has a great internet offer for those who want to download and stream all day, every day. With 40 MB of data volume you’ll never have an issue with your internet connection again!

How to subscribe ufone daily light

  • Activation Code: Dial *2256#
  • Valid Till: 24 HRS

Terms and conditions

  • Be ready for a world of unlimited speed.
  • The data bucket will get you the maximum available download, and Whatsapp calls are also included in these speeds!
  • All Whatapp data usage is charged with an FUP that starts at 500 MBs per day on Daily Light plans only; however there’s no worry because we have other options to help ease your pain should this quota be reached too quickly or need more than one account holder using WhatsApp simultaneously (with increased charges


Ufone’s internet package is the best deal if you want to download and stream all day, every day. With 40 MB of data volume, it won’t be a problem for your connection again!