Ufone Monthly Light has released an attractive offer to help customers save money and get the data they need. For just Rs 390 (including tax), you can now enjoy 1GB internet with 2GB WhatsApp social pack for your monthly budget! So what are waiting for? Subscribe today!
How to subscribe Ufone Monthly Light
- Activation Code: Dial *7807#
- Valid Till: 30 DAYS
Terms and conditions
All prices are inclusive of taxes, and include a data bucket subscription.
Dial *706# to check your remaining resources!
The more sessions you reserve the better experience will be for both clientele and staff members on hand during any given time period; every session reserves some volume in order enhance customer journey through this app or site as well.*
The Ufone monthly plan with 1GB internet and 2 GB of WhatsApp is the perfect way to stay connected without being disconnected from your daily life. Whether you’re a newbie or an expert, this offer will give you everything that’s needed for a low price! Subscribe