Jazz Weekly Extreme Offer

Jazz Weekly Extreme Offer Get a whole week’s worth of data for just RS. 85 (incl.Taxes) And if your internet usage exceeds that, don’t worry about it! When you need more than 25GB in one billing cycle from 12 am – 12 pm on Mondays through Fridays, contact us and we’ll send over some extra bandwidth at no cost to help keep things moving smoothly without interruption from pesky slowdowns or disconnections caused by heavy web activity during those hours.”

How to subscribe to Jazz Weekly Extreme Offer

  • Activation Code: Dial *117*14#
  • Valid Till: 7 DAYS
  • Remaining Credits: Dial *117*1*2#

Terms and conditions

  • The bundle subscription service guarantees access to the entire web for one low price, so you never have an excuse not to!.
  • To check the remaining incentives and validity, dial a status code for Rs. 0.06 that will only show up once your internet plan has expired or been cancelled by you (if applicable).
  • You are responsible to ensure this information is correct before subscribing again upon expiry! The actual speed depends on multiple factors like whether it’s being used in 2G/3G/4G networks areas; if someone else shares access rights with yours while browsing online simultaneously–kinda like what would happen with our family sharing app where every member gets their own login but still collaboratively works through tasks together). Additionally, there could also come an overage fee should they exceed usage limits set out per month


If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to get more data on your bandwidth usage, this is the perfect opportunity. Get an entire week of data and if it’s not enough we’ll send over some extra bandwidth at no charge.